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21st Century Auto Insurance Review

Our 21st Century Auto Insurance review will help you with all of your auto insurance company needs. Whether you are seeking out auto insurance as a new driver, are simply looking for a new car insurance company, or are trying to find the best auto insurance rates possible, shopping for car insurance can seem like a hassle. Luckily we are here to help with all of your auto insurance needs by giving you access to our FREE ZIP code search!

21st Century Auto InsuranceWe’ve all been through it; endless calls where buckets of information is collected, only to be given a quote that is less than desirable. If you’re lucky, you’ll find your customer service representative friendly and upbeat, if not so lucky, you’ll get a grumpy employee who is only willing to do bare minimum. Don’t get stuck with a bad employee. Enter your ZIP code and then read our auto insurance reviews to find the best company!

Although it seems bad, remember that you’re the lucky one; you already know what awaits you and can avoid wasting your time with pesky car insurance companies! When shopping around for car insurance rates, not everyone is aware of what they are getting into. Little do they know that they can end up spending days sputtering out VIN numbers, talking to agents, and writing down rates. Thankfully, there’s hope! 21st Century Insurance will leave customers content and smiling. Find the best auto insurance with our ZIP code search!

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21st Century Customer Service: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

21st Century should leave anyone satisfied. Once they have your information, you will be given a auto insurance quote; hassle free. We can help you compare online auto insurance quotes with our FREE search!

However, while Century 21 has fairly good customer service in the beginning, some do feel that Century 21 is not the greatest for returning phone calls and answering questions in a timely manner. When compared to other car insurance companies, such as Geico, it does seem that Century 21 is a little behind on their response time.

Overall, the company has decent customer service and is not unpleasant to work with. They may be slow, but they will get the job done.

21st Century Discounts
One of the good things about car insurance companies are the auto insurance discounts they offer. When compared to other common car insurance companies like Allstate, Geico, and Farmers, 21st Century offers competitive discounts which include:

  • Clean Driving Record:Online Bill Payment

If you have a clean driving record, 21st Century will offer you a discount. “Clean” means no tickets, traffic infractions, or accidents.

  • High Deductible, Lower Premium:

If you request a higher deductible, 21st Century will offer you a lower premium.

  • Automatic Payments:

If you’re willing to let your payment to be automatically withdrawn from your bank account, there’s a discount for that.

  • Multi-Car Discounts:

It’s that simple, if you have more than one car, 21st Century offers a discount.

  • High GPA:

Students that have 3.0 GPA or better will receive a discount with 21st Century.

  • Car Safety Features:

Like most car insurance companies, 21st Century offers a discount if your car has certain safety features such as anti-theft, daytime running lights, and other standard safety features.

When an auto insurance comparison search is scheduled, these discounts seem fairly standard. However, 21st Century lacks certain discounts offered by other companies, such as Geico. For example, Geico offers a “customer loyalty” discount while 21st Century does not. Furthermore, 21st Century is lacking certain other discounts, including:

  • Military
  • Federal Employee
  • Seat Belt UseHowever, when compared to Allstate, 21st Century offers more discounts. Just be sure to do your research on what car insurance companies offer the best discounts for your particular situation.

21st Century Rates

21st Century is actually known for offering lower rates than some other insurance companies. However, as the saying goes, “You get what you pay for”. In this case, it rings especially true. For the most part, 21st Century offers cheap auto insurance that is easy to obtain, however, it seems their services could use improvement in certain areas, especially customer service and handling claims.

Auto Insurance Claim21st Century Claims and Response Times

Of course, some people have had good experiences with 21st Century, even if they’ve had to file a claim. However, things have not gone so well for others. If you are considering 21st Century, be advised that there have been some documented court cases regarding 21st Century and customer claims. The rumors floating around about 21st Century are negative, especially when compared to companies like Geico and Allstate which have excellent reputations in relation to filing claims.

Overall, 21st Century is a decent car insurance companies that offers multiple discounts and low rates. If you’re looking for the cheapest car insurance, 21st Century is the way to go. Find auto insurance coverage that will cover your car! Enter your ZIP code and begin comparing TODAY!

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